The Year in Books | January 2016

I love words, I love books, I love writing and I love stories.

As a child I would spend hours writing whimsical stories of fantastical worlds inspired by The Never Ending Story or children who discovered a mermaid whilst rockpooling and as I grew into an Americana-obsessed teen these stories turned to topics of school life and that holy grail – love. When I wasn’t writing stories you’d find me reading. I wouldn’t go anywhere without a book in my hand just in case I found a few minutes spare to read a few more pages.

I continued to devour books as an adult and I had a pretty successful blog for a few years which sated the writing itch. And then I met my Husb and we had two boys and life got so busy that reading and writing took a backseat.

My younger son is two and a half now and is discovering his independence and my elder son is in his second year of school and I’m finding that I can spend an hour or two, here and there, doing my own thing. I’ve started blogging again and last year I decided to join in with Laura from Circle of Pines and her excellent reading project The Year in Books (#theyearinbooks). It’s a kind of reading group but instead of everyone reading the same book at the same time, you aim to read at least one book a month. You can then tell others about it via your blog, Pinterest, Instagram or Twitter using #theyearinbooks. And once a month you can join a friendly bunch of fellow bibliophiles chatting about books on the Twitter chat that Laura hosts. There’s no pressure, no judging and although I didn’t manage to hit my target of twelve books last year (Younger son’s night time antics might have something to do with that!), it thoroughly reignited my passion for books and stories. And besides, I read more than the year before, as a fellow Year in Bookster reminded me when she tweeted ‘As always, so many books, never enough time…but I read more in 2015 than the year before. :)’.

So here’s my book for January, Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng. It was on my wishlist for Christmas and my lovely Husb made sure it was one of the pressies waiting for me under the tree. I have high hopes that I’ll manage twelve books this year!

Here’s to a Happy, bookish, creative New Year y’all xxx

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