Just blog!

I have been dragging my feet a bit. Well okay, a lot.

I really, reeeeaaallly want to blog regularly again. But I keep sabotaging myself when I see how amazing blogs are these days. Back when I blogged prolifically I was used to just gibbering away in the hope that somebody out there in the big, bad world felt the same way I did. I didn’t have to worry about revealing my name or whether my blog looked just so, or if I had an excellent social media strategy. I just wrote because I felt like it.

A few months ago, thanks to the power of social media, I reconnected with an old-school blogger pal of mine. Unlike me, she has continued to blog, established a successful careerĀ andĀ has pretty much become a doyen of the blogging world. I was sharing my concerns with her and she said something pretty powerful….

It’s given me a bit of a lift and now I just need to give myself a kick up the bum and start writing again in earnest. Wish me luck!

2 Replies to “Just blog!”

  1. These are very wise words and I am glad I read them! Firstly though, welcome back to blogging and to read that you miss it like a long lost friend – well I can totally get that! Looking forward to getting to know your blog better! x Julia

    1. Yup, she’s a wise woman! Thanks so much for reading Julia, I really appreciate it x